Outreach and recruitment

STEM Recruitment Challenges at Universities: The Need for Action

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, collectively known as STEM subjects, are considered key drivers of a country’s innovation and economic growth. Yet STEM subjects face an ongoing recruitment problem.

Buy investing in hands-on learning activities, and engaging outreach programs help appreciation for STEM subjects.

stem outreach

STEM Recruitment Challenges at Universities: How LEGO Education Can be the Solution

LEGO® Education can be an effective tool for universities to recruit and retain more students in their STEM programs. By organising hands-on workshops, competitions and outreach programs, universities can engage students in fun, hands-on activities and create interest in STEM subjects. 

With the increasing demand for STEM graduates, it is essential for universities to use all available resources to attract and retain more students in these programs. LEGO Education is a fun and effective way to do just that.

LEGO, the LEGO logo and the Minifigure are trademarks of the LEGO Group. Used with permission. © 2024 The LEGO Group.

4 reasons to use LEGO Education as an outreach tool

Every lesson is designed to help pupils develop a full range of STEAM skills, using familiar LEGO building elements and mini figures to help connect abstract concepts to real-life experiences.

Deliver unlimited STEAM learning possibilities with an interconnected system of solutions that work seamlessly together, driving familiarity over time to unlock deeper learning across year levels, with or without technology.

Engage pupils and teachers with solutions backed by over 40 years of experience in creating joyful learning experiences based on learning-through-play principles.

A familiar brand known for playful, hands-on learning experiences and high-quality products that support creativity and critical thinking year after year.

case studies

See LEGO Education in action

University of Kingston

Using LEGO® Education for STEM outreach and engagement at Kingston University

University of South Wales

Using LEGO® Education to create practical programming at the University of South Wales

UTC Portsmouth

Igniting a lifelong passion for STEM with LEGO® Education at UTC Portsmouth

STEM Industry Sponsorship

A report from Engineering UK, highlighted that 76% of the careers leaders and STEM teachers say that it has become more difficult to engage with STEM employers over recent years. There is an encouragement for STEM employers to fund and deliver STEM outreach into education. 

There is a great opportunity for higher education institutions to engage with STEM industry to deliver engaging outreach programmes to primary and secondary education. 

lego education higher education outreach

Driving inclusivity with esports

Increasing the scope for student engagement Connecting students from a variety of backgrounds, locations and with diverse physical and cognitive abilities is powerful — as is grouping students according to ability rather than the identifiers typically used in traditional sports, like age or gender. But ultimately, esports in education is about harnessing that passion and enabling students that might otherwise not have the opportunity to shine, to really sparkle.

Using technology to help every student make the most of the learning experience ​

Technology has a huge role to play in creating a positive future – by enabling hybrid working, helping students to make up for lost time, and giving them the skills they need for the future. Universities must adapt to accommodate the rising technology expectation of students and teaching staff and bring technology into their learning environments.

Learn how Getech can support your drive to enhance the student experience

Get hands-on with STEM outreach

With the growing demand for STEM graduates, it is essential for universities to take action now to ensure their students are prepared for the future.